This is a very advanced type of adult entertainment: you’re not having a classic porn experience here. X-Art has done their best to make sure members of the site only receive the most interesting and strange forms of erotic content. Pictured here, we see Angelica, a beautiful model that is appreciated the world over for her perfect form and dedication to making everyone know just how beautiful she really is.

Well, this picture set features Angelica behind a pane of glass, only on the other side is a massive wall of water in which she is completely submerged. The beauty of the stillness in her eyes – the way that her body is completely free in motion as she levitates in the water. It all comes together, and it’s a beautiful scene indeed.
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Perhaps what makes the scene even more dramatic is the fact that while she’s touching herself, Angelica eventually summons enough deep desire for sex that she brings herself to orgasm. That’s right, this amazing woman is able to masturbate while completely submerged in water and brings about the peak of bliss in front of your very eyes. X-Art has clearly shown just how advanced they are when compared to the rest of the porn producers out there.
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